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Pregnancy Package


Pregnancy Package



51% OFF

Quantity: In Stock


Wonderful experience with pregnancy

  • Every pregnancy is a wonderful experience full of blessings and joyfulness. Here is the moment we provide our services with our skilful scanning to make your pregnancy a memorable journey. 


Pregnancy packages Price (RM) Description

Full pregnancy package

(unlimited growth scan + 2x NT scan + 2x Detail scan
 + unlimited 4d/5d/6d + 2colored printed photos)


(discount voucher for the clinic)

- Nuchal translucency scanning (NT scan ) from 11 weeks to 14 weeks to assess the fluid behind baby’s neck for early abnormality detection

- Detail scanning from 18 weeks to 24 weeks to assess baby’s structure include facial, spine, limbs, heart, brain and abdominal organs

- Growth Scanning can be done unlimitedly throughout the pregnancy to assess baby well being regularly

- 3D/4D view of the baby face from 26 weeks to 34 weeks, high quality coloured printed photo is provided.


Terms and conditions apply. SonoCare and all affiliated partners reserve the right to change any terms and conditions of this promotion without prior or further notice.

 Inquiry - Pregnancy Package