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Breast Ultrasound Scan
Breast Ultrasound Scan


Breast Ultrasound Scan




Quantity: In Stock


Structure of examination: 

  • Breast fibro-glandular tissues, mammary duct, nipple, and axillary lymph nodes.


  • Wear loose and comfortable dressing, you will change into a gown before scanning. Do not put lotions or powders on breasts.


  • To determine the nature of breast abnormalities such as lumps, breast tenderness before period and after delivery, it is difficult to interpret lesions seen in mammogram and identify any suspicious lesions that may not be visible in mammogram. Suitable for all ages of women, especially for younger women. 
More info: 
To know more infomation about breast scan and mammogram x-ray, please click on the following link Understanding the Difference between Ultrasound Scanning of the Breast and Mammogram X-ray

Items include: 
Written report for your safe keeping and record. 

More promotions to grab by sharing this in your facebook page : Single organ scan at only RM60 include verbal report, and a thermal photo. (Show proof of shared post to our staff during the scan) 

Price listed above do not include doctor's consultations, medications, further investigations, treatment procedures. 

Terms and conditions apply. SonoCare and all affiliated partners reserve the right to change any terms and conditions of this promotion without prior or further notice.

 Inquiry - Breast Ultrasound Scan